The ISO 9001 Group is a full service consulting, auditing and training firm based in Houston, Texas. Our mission is to help your organization increase profits, improve operations and reduce or eliminate risks and waste. We are the designers of Conformance Manager, which is a secure SaaS web-based management system software solution, which provides confidence that your management system is always in conformance with the latest management system standards.

Contact Info
4201 Cypress Creek Parkway, Suite 300
Houston, TX 77069
[email protected]
+ 1 (832) 326-9796
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Learn About Our Modules


Design and Development Modules

Product/Service Design and Development

Document product and service design plans and packages. Establish design plans, stages, resources, interfaces, verification and validation, final review, drawings, customer requirements, environmental and operational conditions, methods, historical performance, legal requirements, risk assessment, purchasing requirements, production requirements, servicing requirements, acceptance criteria and more

Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA)

Analyze potential failure(s) that may exist within your product or service design and their consequences. Determine functions, failure modes, failure effects, failure causes, process controls, recommended actions and effectiveness. Upon performing the analysis receive risk priority and criticality scores. Assign actions to user to drive accountability and follow through

Engineering Change Request

Submit a request for part changes while specifying the part name, type, products effected, and more. Describe the risks introduced by the part in its current state and why it needs to be changed. Document whether this engineering request has been approved or denied.

Demo Videos

Product/Service Design & Development Module Demo

Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) Module Demo

Engineering Change Request Module Demo

1 Free License per Organization

Every organization receives their first Conformance Manager license for free, for life.