The ISO 9001 Group is a full service consulting, auditing and training firm based in Houston, Texas. Our mission is to help your organization increase profits, improve operations and reduce or eliminate risks and waste. We are the designers of Conformance Manager, which is a secure SaaS web-based management system software solution, which provides confidence that your management system is always in conformance with the latest management system standards.

Contact Info
4201 Cypress Creek Parkway, Suite 300
Houston, TX 77069
[email protected]
+ 1 (832) 326-9796
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Learn About Our Modules


HSE Modules

Incident Reporting

Register personnel injuries, equipment damage, property damage and environmental incidences. Capture critical information pertaining to the incident, people involved in the incident, impact of the incident, witnesses, investigations and assign corrective actions. Manage changes that may be required as part of corrective action and schedule monitoring of actions.

Incident Rate

Track incidents in the workplace over time with the Incident Rate module. Input the number of employees, hours worked, lost work days, illnesses, first aid cases, and more. Compare multiple incident rates throughout different time intervals.

Job Safety Analysis

Monitor the safety of different work tasks and departments. Specify the safety equipment required for certain jobs and identify important steps to ensure that employees follow safe and efficient instructions. Identify risks and hazards for a job and create a process for how to mitigate these risks.

Demo Videos

Incident Reporting and Incident Rate Modules Demo

Job Safety Analysis Module Demo

1 Free License per Organization

Every organization receives their first Conformance Manager license for free, for life.